The Final Stretch

Hello, students! As we enter our last three weeks, I just want to remind you to keep revising. At this point in the semester, we’re looking at sample portfolios, working through the revision packet during class, and you’re meeting with me for conferences. Remember to sign up for conferences with me early as my conference times are already filling up. Also, don’t forget the wonderful resource that is the Writing and Multiliteracy Center! They fill up as well, so schedule your appointments now. In three weeks, you’ll be turning in your portfolio and that will conclude your work for my class.

Remember, this is the time to really revisit your essays and make them as strong as possible as you can for portfolio. You want to show the portfolio committee how hard you’ve been working for the past fifteen weeks. As always, email or come see me with any questions (or talk to me after class).

We’re almost there!