The First Trial

So I looked myself up on google and I found very little my personal information. My name is pretty common so I wasn’t expecting to find myself.  I go by my middle name for most of my life so the only information of my first name is of a professional baseball players.  I stay online a lot but I don’t contribute often enough for my name to  get out there and I am not very social online so even my Facebook doesn’t show up on any searches.  Also a few years back I was asked to do this for a class and the only information I found was my old myspace account, a few comments left in old forums when I was a preteen and so when I was done with the class I took it all down.  I don’t feel tied to my name when I am online, it allows me to be anonymous even though I don’t use it in a positive or negative way I am glad that I haven’t needed to give up a lot of my personal information on the internet.  Although when I did first look my self up the most eerie thing I can remember was that my phone number was on the profile searcher, even then my number was outdated but still made me worry of what other information could be left on line. Since then I decided to leave Facebook, twitter, myspace, and other social media sites because I never felt too attached to them.  My closest friends also feel the need to have social media pages so they got rid of theirs so there was never a pressure to get one.  College has really changed that, classes and students mainly use Facebook to get notes or catch up on what was missed and so it is convenient that I get one again.  I check it very rarely but I never enjoy doing it, it shows to me that I am stuck to it, that I need it if I want to continue interacting comfortably in this digitally infused world.