The Fluid Resuscitators Group Rules

Group #7

  • Group Name: Fluid Resuscitators
  • Group Members: Maria Magaña, Robert (Bobby) Martinez, Emily Sentianin
  • Why group name was chosen: We chose to study sepsis for our group project and fluid resuscitation is a very important concept in sepsis management.
  • Meeting times and locations for duration of semester: Meeting times 1100 on Wednesdays in the Student Union as needed.
  • Role of each group member: Bobby-Researcher, Emily-Editor, Maria- Making presentations, everyone: Voice Thread Contributors. The duties will be shared but the ultimate responsibility will be the assigned person for each task.
  • Who will lead each meeting? We will rotate leaders each week so that everyone has a chance to run a meeting.
  • Who will take minutes and record action items? Maria
  • What will the process be for dealing with group members who miss meetings or who are late? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one on one or as a group? If the reason for missing meetings or tardiness is valid, then it will be excused. First time offense, if reasonable, will be given a warning. If repeat offenses occur and assigned workload is not completed, then this will be reflected in the final project grade. The discussion will happen as a group because it affects the entire group.
  • What will your process be for dealing with distractions during your meeting? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one on one or as a group? Meeting times need to be productive so will be no cell phone use rule during meetings unless expecting an important call/message. First time offense will be and repeat offenses will result in dismissal from the meeting. The discussion will happen as a group.
  • What will your process be for decision making? If you decide on a consensus vote, what will be your process for making a decision if consensus cannot be reached? The decision making will consist of discussing options and ideas from all members and coming to a consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, further options will be explored and final decisions will be decided by a 2/3 majority vote.
  • What will your process be for dealing with a team member who does not fulfill team assigments? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one on one or as a group? Perform a verbal root cause analysis of failure to complete duties to ensure that assignment was fully understood. If deadlines are not met then, the first time offense will have an extension of 1 day, additional failures to meet deadlines will be reflected in the final grade. This discussion will happen as a group.
  • What will your process be for resolving conflict within the group? Will the discussion happen one on one or as a group? The conflict will attempt to be resolved within the group by a roundtable discussion of issues; if the issue cannot be resolved then it will be taken up with the course instructor. This discussion will occur one on one if only involving two people but will occur as a group if the conflict is amongst the entire group.
  • List any other applicable group norms:
    • If you can’t make it to a meeting, let the group members know in advance as soon as possible, preferably the day before.
    • Respect other group members.
    • Collaboration and teamwork will be utilized.
    • Do not be afraid to verbalize disagreement.