the Reagan affect

Ronald Reagan was the   president of the United States. His term lasted  eight years, throughout his presidency he was faced with a lot of obstacles. Ronald Reagan was elected in  1981 at the end of the cold war . Throughout those years America and Russia didn’t really see eye to eye. within  my adventure through the Reagan library I have embarked on artifacts that explain the tone of  the cold war and  the end of Reagan term in office.


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throughout my adventure in the Reagan library ,I first encountered a  tunnel that that had a inner layer that described the basis of the cold war. In the picture above , it shows a illustration of the leaders in the cold war: Leonid Brezhnev ,Nixon,  Gorbachev. The enlightenment that his picture offers to me was a thought  created at biased perspective on Russia and their satellite nations, the very mode that they created in the tunnel of the museum  wanted me to look at the  Communist part as a source of evil. for example in the second picture their is a illustration of a strait jacket. in the picture their is a small explanation about the strait jacket. the summery stated that the communist party in Russia, USSR, put political prisoners in the strait jackets for when they were sweeping through the house of the Kremlin.

Through the tour their were certain artifacts that hit home for me. when I seen the manikin warring the close of president Reagan’s wife I started to think of my mother, the nostalgia that the manikin created made me think of how my mother, my mother like old Victorian dresses, that relate back to the 1920’s. The very demeanor that the first lady chaired reminded me of my mother. for example, when I seen that the fist lady was very active in the development of extravagant parties. It reminded me of home and how m family would throw big event and my mother would be at the four front of it.