The second best day in the U.K.! 

Our new London pals, Stonehenge, Oxford University and Windsor Castle! 

We went out for a night on the town to discover some night life and possibly get some insight on the city. Luckily for us we met some life long friends in a pub not far from our hotel. Simon and Matt! They were so welcoming and generous, gave us the whole London experience. Some of us are planning on coming back later in the years to visit them and reconnect as we did this week! I’m honestly considering moving here after my bachelors at CI and possibly achieving a masters in London. Stonehenge was massive in person but not as large as I expected from photos or by Taylor’s presentation in class. I remember specifically how clean and cold the air felt when I was walking around the circle viewing it from behind the ropes. Questions of how it got here and how it’s even still standing filled my head. To say the least I’m so glad I got to see it in person and view it’s extravagance. Not to mention all the other brilliant sites we’ve seen in such a short amount of time. Even though some days were smoother than others in the sense of sleep deprive meant. But like Dr. J said, “DONT NAP!” And he was right, when you do it hits you like a ton of bricks. Windsor castle is truly incredible from the inside out. From the large exterior of walls, moats and gardens. To the detailed artistic qualities in the inside differing from the paintings, wall fixtures, chandeliers and everything! And I must say I want one of those chandeliers in my own house. The tour that we went on for all of these places this day was not to long but I was a little sad time was cut short at these places. But we still got the affect we wanted. Oxford University home of the brilliant minded and celebrities whom attended it! The campus is clearly the largest I’ve ever been on in comparison to UCLA for example. The buildings in its own right were the stars of the show. To imagine getting to enter those buildings for a lecture is just incredible. Unfortunately we didn’t get to enter the buildings due to time restraints but we did get to view the street and shops around it. It was like a zoo, so many people in such a “small” area. I put small in quotations because it was not small in dimensions clearly but due to all the people being around it felt like a little town in LA. Needless to say another amazing day with a fun night with our classmates and London mates!