The Social Search (part 3)

So primarily looked at twitter and facebook for more information on who or what I could learn about textbook and prices. After a fairly quick search but a ton of pages I found a few organization that are working toward a better system for students and higher edu. Faculty forward looks at the cost of higher education in a general sense and voices some of the more unseen effects of student fees, not being able to buy new clothes and not having an open dialog enough dialog with students to show where their money is going. The other site is flat world education which is trying to change the entire dynamic of traditional higher education formats and personalizing them. while the model is new and I personally don’t agree to it they are on social media to show the issues that cause the website to be made, the dissatisfaction with the method that publishers are with the way the handle the price and distribution of textbooks.


looking at social media never was a positive thing for me as a student, I constantly felt that it was overly biased and would get buried by more popular stories that are more appealing to a wider audience. As an example there is a story on the textbook tag on twitter about a highschool textbook and how it skewed the fact the slaves from Africa that were brought to America were called “workers” and how in texas this is a major outrage. while I agree that this is a major issue I had to dig for more information on my topic or change my search altogether.