The Start of the Semester

I felt that I blinked and my winter vacation was over. While I was reading through the syllabus to my lecture course “Nursing Complex Client” I thought it would be difficult to find information and navigate through the course because it was presented outside the traditional blackboard format. I was pleasantly surprised to find the webpage format presents information that is more organized and easier to follow.

I am also every excited about the evidence based practice paper. The assignment requires the students to identify a nursing related topic they are interested in and find the related current hospital policy. The next step requires us to find the most current research and compare it to the hospital policy. I feel that the paper’s process will give us tools we will need to implement evidence based practice in our careers.

I also found the group projects interesting as well. The group projects are designed to help present information to the class by our peers. I feel that having information formatted by our peers will help assist in answering questions on topics that are more complicated. In addition, it provides the nursing class with another tool to study for exams.

