The Sunny City

The way I seen the world as an adolescent was, the influential depiction of Football. This image of being an athlete has always in my head, constantly reminding me, that one day I would be able to participate and practice with my friends. Being smaller than the rest of the kids in my grade school I would sit aside and watch my friends run with shining helmets down the sideline of a football field. My demographics has shaped the way I vewy some aspects of life. Living in San Diego, sports was at the centerfold of every part of my life. with new technology I can see the correlation between the geography in which I lived and my early childhood social development.

My Location was very significant to the way I started to play sports. San Diego is known for its regres sports programs. My neighborhood as a child has produced more than a dozen of pro athlete. The simplistic location that San Diego has in Southern California, provides a perfect environment for athletes. There’s nothing like beautiful San Diego weather. Any time of the year is great for visiting and enjoying the near-perfect climate. Temperatures peak around 80 degrees Fahrenheit during summer days, cooling off to about 65 at night. Winter highs tend to be around 66 F at night. The city typically gets over 300 days of sunshine per year, making it a great spot for a beach vacation and tourism. The aspect of weather is important to a large range of athletes because, depending on your location determines an athlete’s capability to practice on their craft.

In American football, the West Coast offense is an offense that places a greater emphasis on passing than on running. The redirect and ultimate philosophy that this offence brings, has inevitably influenced my very way of life, socially as well as athletically. Bill Walsh was the creator behind the West Coast office, his philosophy of constantly striving towards a victory is evident in the very way you teach and construct an offiance. In High School our coach used similar methods by Bill Walsh. Our coach’s ultimate goal for our team was to ultimately create an offence that was going to be: relentless, aggressive and impactful. The only way that our players and myself seen ourselves progressing towards this goal, was ultimately creating a tone that we all felt on the field and projected it towards relationships after the wisale, off the field.

Why is this important? The concept in which I endured on the football has shown me a sense of social trust. Without this important experience in my life I feel that I would be a different person, because the very way I see adversity and confront obstacles comes from the relentless attitude instilled in me from my past relationship in High School and as a youth in San Diego.

To what extent does my future depend on my current location? My past location in San Diego, ultimately created my memory’s as a youth, so I see my future depending on my ability to be a product of my environment. Attending an institution like CSU Channel Islands, I ultimately know the tone in which the outcome of my future. CSUCI is an new CSU institution, that has an outline goal that emphasizes on place, purpose and communion. The very way my college confronts opportunity, will creates an environment that will contribute to my success.

What is a supportive environment, how will it contribute to one’s senses of the success through self definity. For me, my perception of success is through support from others. The very way I obtained confidence and self morality was through past encounters and events. When these serious of events transpire, the individual has many ways to confront the situation. One’s environment can ultimately hold different senses and levels of opportunity as well as, hold different levels of social diversity.