The Tossing and Turning of the people

The people in survivor this episode needed to get their business together. This episode of Survivor there was a lot of turmoil and individuals trying to form what their next plan was as well as individuals continuously trying to remain the alpha leader. They showed several dynamics of group leadership such as the types of leaders and situations. After day 19 many people were very upset that Julie quit survivor and did not give them their first opportunity to vote someone off as a “united group” in their Huyopa . During the first reward challenge it was for a they split into to groups and the reward was a taco bar. The group that won were Keith, Reed, Jeremy and Wes. Once they were at the legit taco bar on the deserted island it became evident that there to leaders emerging and they alliances made it super awkward for them to have a conversation at the table. It was like all their conversations had to revolve around alliance building and who was the leader that day.In chapter 5, it takes about a leader who has position power and at the taco bar it became evident that Jeremy had power on the island based on his sway on others member as well as the amount of challenges he as been apart of that have one. With Jeremy being in power, it also lead to so many situations being changed and people alerting leadership after Jeremy won immunity. Two other types of leaders are designated leaders and emergent leaders. It showed that the designated leaders were Jon and Jacklyn as a unit because they were looked to for everything by the groups and even when Jon was on exile island they still waited and consulted him. The emergent leaders were Baylor and her mom Missy, they were familiar with the groups goals and began to contribute more when they wanted a further alliance and to sway what could possibly happen at tribal council. Once they started saying more that is when people looked more to them whether they did not get along with the men or not. During this episode they also displayed a lot situation leadership from different people in the group it was partially for individuals to get what they want and being able to change that effectively as a leader helps with tasks. With all of the changes at tribal council they ended up voting Josh off the island.