There’s no such thing as individuality

During the weekend we spent at Santa Rosa Island, I personallyfelt that I learned a lot of things. The experience as a whole was extraordinary to go through, the fact that we went through it together made it a little more special. There are so many things that are linked together as a whole and without one another they wouldn’t be the same. For example, plants and animals they co-exist because they need each other. One lives so the other can survive.

During our stay at the Island we got to see the way the faculty at the Island view Santa Rosa. What I really enjoyed was that they see the Island as their home and that they treat the Island with care. One of the thing I could truely see a deep connection was the plants and the animals. We learned a lot about the plants that grow on the Island with Cause. he took us to the nursery on the Island and we got to meet some people who were working on a very important enviromental project to help perserve many of the plants that have been dying because of the conditions humans had forced the Island to go through over the years. From what I could see they were really dedicated to their project and helping the Island grow more purple grass and to grow more pine trees because they’re going extinct on the Island were before there were so many pine trees and a lot of grass all over the Island. It’s really important for them to be successful in their project which is one of the reasons why they are giving it there all, since the drought hit the Island things have been getting worse and they’re trying their best to help restore the Island to it’s natural beauty that has been slowly fading away over the years. These to plants are very essential for the animals in the Island to survive. Most of the animals that live on the Island are birds, rodents, horses and foxes since all the other animals that have lived on the Island were brought purposely on the Island and have died and left their mark on the Island slowly destroying it over the years. The animals that remain aren’t destroying the Island they’re restoring it, for this to continue and for the Island to naturally change these animal need to remain on the Island to help contribute on the restoration of the Island. The birds need the trees, because that’s where they usually make there nests. And the horses need the grass to eat as well as the rodents that the birds usually feed on. The foxes on the Island are not predators they usually just eat plants, so plants are also essential for their survival.

Overall, even if we don’t see it at first there’s connections everywhere we go. We’re all connected to each other in ways we can’t even imagine because our connections are so deep that we usually don’t go looking for them. This trip really helped me open my eyes on how there’s more to ife than individuality because nothing is really an individual because we’re all connected to everything in some way whether it’s a small connection or a big one.