This Week….On Survivor

Well right as both tribes come together for the merger and become one team again,  its about to get interesting. Now there are loved ones back together and few singles and all each member has is their alliances. Jeremy immediately gets to work reuniting with Missy, who of course means her daughter Baylor. And Josh and Reed start to get a little anxious and need to do something fast to try and win over Jon and Jacqueline. In the middle of both alliances Jon and Jacqueline start off leaning more toward Jeremy and Missy’s alliance but after talking with Josh and Reed start to reconsider that they may be better off aligned with them for future advancement. Having a hard time cutting ties with Josh, Baylor looks to her mother for direction in which Missy assures her they need to stay aligned with Jeremy, and tells her she is going to have to “suck it up” and be a little phony. Although not easy for Baylor she seems to agree to her mothers plan of action.

As everyone is trying to figure out whose side they will align with there is a lot of “I” and “We” language being thrown around, and alliances are forming based on well thought through out strategies. In the beginning of the episode Missy tries to assure Keith that she should have told him their plan to vote him off just to be safe if Dale had an idol, taking responsibility for her actions in hopes to salvage there alliance- but it doesn’t seem to help.  Meanwhile it has been discovered Julie has been hoarding a bag full of trail mix from everyone and keeping it all to herself. While Julie thinks she is the one smart enough to save the trail mix for later, she states she will share it with who ever she pleases. While she is off tanning the others take her stash and spread it among the group. Starting to feel the tension of everyone Julie begins to break under the pressure. Knowing that everyone knows what she has done, plus her claim she misses her boyfriend John Julie opts to quit the game. Before officially quitting she confides in Missy who tries to comfort Julie to hang in there, mainly for her own good and to keep the numbers on Missy’s side, Julie thinks it may be the best for her alliance, but not for herself in thinking she is close to being ruled off anyways. Jeremy is the most upset at this decision and uses some offensive language towards Julie in the fact that she is letting him and his alliance down, and how selfish he claims her to be for quitting. Obviously a little heated Jeremy rants on about how Julie’s weak call will be a problem for him.

Once it is know that Julie is the one going home this episode it creates a break for those who believed to be on the chopping block which appeared to be either Jeremy or Josh. With Jon and Jacqueline clearly deciding to vote against Jeremy and join Josh and Reeds alliance, Julie’s decision to leave has only given everyone more time for thought. Hoping the odds stay in his favor Josh seems a little hesitant now that they must wait when it seemed a sure thing Jeremy would have been the one to go home.