Time for Change


Common Core.. This is a topic we have been discussing in our methods courses this semester. There is SO much controversy about these standards being implemented, but no matter if they are liked or not, they are coming. I would like to put my perspective about this topic.

First of all, I am always about looking at both sides of a situation, but if you were to ask me, I am totally FOR Common Core. Just the FOUR “C’s” of Common Core (Creativity, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Collaboration) alone show my reasons of why I enjoy Common Core. Although some strategies may be too advanced for some students, the overall concept of having students think outside of the box, come up with ideas, and think about their way of thinking are what these standards bring. This is the time for teachers to show their creative side on how they teach. It’s time to use less textbooks and do more activities that tie in all Gardner’s intelligences, including technology usage!

Not only is it time to be creative, but also to be collaborative with peers. Interacting with their peers will expand students’ way of thinking and have them develop their critical thinking. I have recently seen this in action in my placement class. Students enjoy talking with each other about Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science.

Joining all these 4 concepts of Common Core together will make learning more enjoyable and higher changes of it being imbedded in students’ head. Common Core is what will help structure and guide our next generation for the future.