Time To Mix It Up

Conflict has been one of the main themes of Survivor throughout the years. In this weeks episode we will discuss some of the main conflicts that have arose in the tribes. As well as attraction and task commitment by certain members that has resulted in group cohesion.  The shows host has a twist for us this week and decides to shake things up. They are asked to take off their bandannas and are divided up into two whole new tribes. The Coyopa tribe now consists of three loved ones and Keith, while the Hunaphu tribe consists of one pair of loved ones and the rest individuals. Conflict Arises for Keith since he feels like he is the odd man out. There is a lot of love and compassion going around the tribe and alliances are automatically made between loved ones leaving him vulnerable. Cohesion has developed within the Coyopa tribe because of the interpersonal connection between the loved ones. In the Hunaphu tribe Natalie and Jeremy try to persuade Alec to join their alliance since all three have a similar situation of not having their loved one on the show anymore. Jeremy decided to use an old Fireman technique called “Surround and Drown”. Conflict seems to strike the Coyopa tribe again when the rice portion is running low. Members who were from the Hunaphu tribe don’t think it is fair since the rationed their food in their previous tribe and left behind their grater rations.  Dale seems to have the biggest issue with Missy giving out double portions. After the lose the immunity challenge it was up to Dale and his daughter to team up with some members to get rid of Missy and her daughter. In the end it didn’t play out as planned as Dale’s daughter Kelley is voted of the island causing him to the be another person without a loved one in the Coyopa Tribe.