To include or John-seclude ?

During this episode of Survivor it was a lot of turmoil. And a lot of group members trying to figure out how to the group work of how to be successful in the game. With having this to work with such different type member in a group like survivor will kinda force individuals to make roles and to have different wants. A lot of the episode lead to John Rocker going through the different needs and roles or a group member. Shutz’s theories on interpersonal needs showed that a lot of the group members want to be able feel inclusion, control and affection.

The beginning of the episode starts off pretty heated. The tribes come back together and are together for next challenge and Jeremy finds out that his wife was the last one voted off the islands. From a viewers standpoint you could tell from then on Jeremy said its one for getting John out of the show for not protecting his wife. Jeremy begins using the methods of FIRO needs to get his group members on his side and to be able to communicate better and also manipulate them to get what he wants.

Baylor had the need for inclusion when she went to go ally the guy members in her tribe to persuade them to break them deals and form and alliance with the girls so that would all be involved. It was also her showing her need for affection and control because she wants to be liked by all but also to control more of her fate on Survivor.

Survivor got real heated when Jeremy shed the light on John and his past and then all of the different members of all the tribes started to judge him for his past. All of the members of survivor need to know some  the skills with communicating to an apprehensive member. Instead of hearing John out they assumed he was a racist homosexual bigot which he could be. They could have made John feel included and not alone. They could have been more well prepared at their survivor tribal council so that they did not vote him out. They showed all of their hostility and so their communication skills could have been worked on especailly since the have never won an immunity challenge. They also forgot to visualize the end of winning and voted secluded then voted out one of the strongest members of their team.  Poor John!