To like or not to like…

This is the question! I am amazed that I can say I remember a time when there was no internet.  I also remember the time when the internet gradually creeped its way into our world.  I even remember landlines phones that had dials.  Gosh, I’m aging myself. But, so what, haha. I had a computer-geek boyfriend in high school who had one of the first cellphones ever…it was a little bigger than the size of a box of girl scout cookies! It is a far cry from the cellphones we have today.  Cellphones these days are basically mini-computers in addition to being phones.

To say I am hooked on the technology of the internet and social medial would be an understatement.  I absolutely love it. I am an admitted info junkie and the internet appeases my soft addiction. But, I also admit that it can be a time hog (gotta rope in that hog).  I was little freaked out at first when I found we were doing this class mostly online via WordPress and such.  This is a new arena. But, I’m going to embrace it.  I think it is going to be an adventure, frustrating at times, but it will be a great learning experience.  I appreciate that Jaime Hannans is having us do this.  The reality is, blogging and social media is very much how the world communicates more than ever throughout the world.  It is fascinating. I and I quite like it.

I look forward to gleaning as much critical care nursing knowledge as possible this Spring 2015 semester.  I feel a bit overwhelmed already truth be told.  I also feel a teeny bit sad because this is my last semester with some incredible fellow nursing students (and I love them all) and faculty.  Here we go!