To See Through Someone Else’s Eyes

We all see the world with a different perspective, we all have different opinions of life and our surroundings. When we went to the Island the faculty there had a diversity of perspectives of their own views of the Island. It was nice to see how different the Island was to everyone for Cause the Island was his home, where his daughter was growing up, where he lived with his wife and where he could help the environment. For Matt he saw the Island as a work of art, and it was his muse where he was inspired to create art, it was also a place he went to when he needed to be isolated but at the same time not alone. He felt like it was just him and nature, where no one could disturb him. As for Allison she saw the Island as what it was nature and she saw it as a way to see what she loved most, which was the birds. By being on the Island she got to see so many different species of birds in their natural habitat without having to go through so much effort to find them they usually just came to her and she could watch them and analyze their DNA and the structure of their bodies. Though they had different perspectives of the Island they wanted the same thing which was to keep the Island safe from further destruction and to restore the Island to its natural beauty.

Though all the perspectives were different they shared one goal and that was to recover the Island and in a way the all saw the Island in a loving way. Because they all deeply cared for the Island and would fight to protect it. The Island has become a personal home for all of them, mostly because they all thought of it as a safe haven. Where they believed they could take a break from life and enjoy the isolation and the beauty of nature and most importantly life in the moment and make every moment matter.

One project that would be in the interest of Allison, Cause and Matt would be to grow more plants. It would benefit Cause because by having more plants the Island can nurture itself and would, overall be more healthy. Also if it was healthier there could be agriculture in the near future, which would be good for the Island instead of the dry land it has now. The way it would benefit Allison is my having more trees and plants more birds would migrate to the Island giving her a larger variety of species of birds. For Matt having more plants would increase the beauty of the Island giving him more inspiration to work from and create more art. Also having more plants adds to the freedom of isolation and helps add more diversity to the view of the Island and the inner perspective one has about different things in life. The fact that when you really think about it we are all unique because of the way we look at life.