To Survive or Naaaaah

This last week we learned about nonverbal which essentially plays into our everyday lives so it was easy to relate this last episode of survivor to our chapter content.

In survivor, the merge takes place diminishing the two separate teams thus creating it one for all. Except for those who still have a loved one competing; they still have an advantage. Nonverbal cues are huge when studying each other to see who is really lying about the alliances. We see the remaining survivors portraying nonverbals in their physical appearance: body orientation, gestures, and body language. You can  also tell from their tones and volumes.

Julie is a prime example to use for this specific topic because she has conveyed major nonverbals since John, her boyfriend, has left. She becomes stand-offish and her body orientation and language definitely shows that she is ready to leave; that she can no longer handle survivor. It was really no surprise to me when she got voted off this last episode.