Today’s the day!

The only two emotions I can describe on July 27/28 was the feeling of excitement and nervousness. I was so excited I had my mom drop me off to the airport at least 45 mins before the actual meet up time to terminal 7. I had never been out of the country before so being on an airplane for 10 hours was pretty exciting for me. 

The flight to London was definitely one of the longest flights I’ve ever taken and a bit scary. There was some turbulence that had me a little on edge but once it passed I was able to relax and enjoy the rest of the flight. Landing in London was so surreal I seriously couldn’t believe I was actually in England! Once we all got situated at the hotel we all went out to dinner at this place near by called “the boot and flogger” it was amazing I ordered chicken and chips. It was so nice just relaxing and talking with everyone I truly enjoyed everyone’s company. Dr J’s parents, Mr. And Mrs Jenkins even paid for our first meal which was so kind of them to do. After dinner we all went out and explored the area near our hotel. Finally we came back to get some rest for the extreamly busy day that we had coming up.