Trail Mix

In this weeks episode of Survivor the two tribes have merged and alliances were developed. There are now two defined characters who are trying to take on the leadership role and protect themselves with alliances. Jeremy decides to take things into his own hands and establishes his position as a leader when he addresses several (7) members from the camp and confirms they are still loyal to him. Josh witnesses Jeremy talking to several members and realizes if he doesn’t make a move quick his rival will get him kicked out by the next council meeting. In the end Julie who kept a little extra trail mix after the feast was outcasted when found out by the others. She could no longer taking being without her loved one and decides to quit and go home. Thus resulting in no tribal Council and Josh and Jeremy left to battle it out next week. Chapter 9 in the book covers Structured and Creative Problem Solving in groups. The chapter has an emphasis on Decision making and whether it is more effective to make decisions in groups or independent decisions. If you break down the concept of the show, everyone is competing to be the last “Survivor” remaining. There are a lot of group decisions being made but everyone when making those group decisions is focused on on their own hidden agenda. For example, when alliances are formed and they vote off an individual they act as it if was in the best interest for everyone in the group. While some did not actually stick to the plan of the group and voted for someone else, or thought why not vote them off they are not a threat to me and its keeping the attention away. So even though there are a lot of group decisions being made. There are a lot of independent decisions being made as well. Especially coming toward the end of the season. Till next time!


-Zack Starlin Kelem