Tribal Group Membership

In episode 3, we see several needs that most of us share to some degree. According to William Schutz, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation Theory focuses on the need for inclusion, the need for control and the need for affection. In a way, all members show a need for inclusion because they all want to be in some type of alliance in order to guarantee their survival but I think Jeremy has shown the most need for inclusion. At the beginning of the show, he wanted to be included in the girls alliance but as he weighted out his option, he became part t of the guys alliance.

The need for control was shown by Jeremy. Since the beginning of the show, he liked the fact that most of his group members were on his side and he was like the “prom king”. After his wife Val was voted off, he talks about wanting to control the situation and go after John who was supposed to be looking after her. He seems to be a persuasive strong leader. Since this case is about survival, he does not necessarily take the group’s goals ahead of his own but he shows all the traits of taking control.

Throughout the episode, we are exposed to the group’s task roles. For example, Natalie shows the initiator-contributor role when she went against John after the challenge. She wanted to get the group started and propose ideas/suggestions by telling the other members that they should go again John and vote him off. She is providing the group with a specific direction for the group.

John definitely shows signs of the aggressor. He puts down members to get what he wants and is sarcastic and critical of others.

In Belbin’s Team Role Theory, Belbin also identified nine roles including the shaper. I definitely feel Josh is the Shaper as he tries to push members towards a specific agreement and decision and challenges for example when he shapes Wes and Alec’s vote against John.

The stakes are high… can’t wait for episode 4!