
This episode directly tied back into chapter six from the fifth edition of the text in regards to rewards. Natalie and Jeremy gave both Jon and Jacquelyn their reward from winning a challenge as a thank you for sticking to their alliance and helping them vote out Josh at the last tribal council. This gave both Jon and Jacquelyn a sense of personal recognition from their alliance because in front of everyone in the whole game, Natalie and Jeremy singled them out to say a special thank you. But, the material compensation that was highly valued by the rest of the players in the game was the icing on the cake.

One issue that came up at the tribal council meeting was that Keith was withholding information, especially from the women. By not being open with the women that are also vital, strong players in the game Keith is not fulfilling the intrinsic need that they have to be accepted by the group. This came back to bite him after Reed found out that he had an idol, and spread the news like wildfire across the camp. Reed now desperate once again became an important player in the game, making himself a fountain of information.

I am really bummed Jeremy got voted off. He was my favorite player and I really wanted to see him go all the way to the end and win the prize. He was smart, creative and very determined and overall not a nasty player. He stuck to his guns and tried to use his intelligence and cool demeanor to win over people to his alliance, and as we can see it worked quite well. That is, until now. My money is now on Jon as the main power player as the game continues. I’m hoping that he can stay in the game while longer with Jacquelyn.