Twitter Madness

I didn’t know what retweeting meant before this week. Maybe I should start by saying I didn’t even have a Twitter. It’s been encouraged by my University Transfer course. Not so sure why I never bothered making one since now that I have one it is obvious how powerful of a tool this media site can be.
I engaged with Twitter for the reason that mostly everywhere you look, or everyone you engage with most likely has a Twitter that represents their reality. Such an interesting thing that quite frankly I’d love to build on.
Since Twitter is used world wide it may be a perfect way for me to push the message of help in regards to the Syrian refugee crisis.
The first thing I did was look up the hashtag #RefugeeCrisis and very quickly realized it was too broad. I came across pages that were outdated and that were also not referring to the current crisis. Therefore I narrowed it down to just #Refugees. Hit the jackpot on that one with how many rich posts there were.
I retweeted one I found interesting and that I believed others would find appealing and motivating.
There was much to learn from this experience. Yet this was just the spark of my Twitter footprint. Now, I am mindful towards many things. Not only the content of my work, but I am considerate of the complexity that this issue brings. Now, it is me creating the content others might come across. This new addition to my project changes everything I had been doing before.