Unit 2

Students just finished unit 2 which was on watersheds. They found out which watershed they belonged to, learned what watersheds are, how we are connected to the watershed, and had a field trip to the Ventura Harbor. One assignment that was given to them was to trace where our local watersheds are then they needed to map what are the land uses are in the area. I lead a lesson called Earth’s water as an apple, students had to cut an apple to show how the Earth’s surface is divided and then how our land is divided up. The land was divided up in land use, fresh drinking water, and where humans can live. The students also had a small research project about the Santa Clara watershed there were 5 subjects that students researched. The subjects were invasive Arundo, macroinvertebrates, water quality, surface runoff, and endangered species Bell’s Viero. They were then to create posters for their subject and present that to the class.

Here are some of the posters from Channel Islands High School

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