Unstable angina for K. West…


Once upon a time there was a 50 year old African American male who had a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, with BMI of 32, and family history of father passed away at age 55 with Acute MI. He presented to the ED with signs of/complaints of severe chest pain at rest, starting 30 minutes ago, shortness of breath, fatigue, and nausea. The nurse assessed the patient finding HR-110 regular, BP-145/90, Resp-21 shallow, Sat02 92% on room air, temperature- 98.6, chest pain 7/10, pressing, radiating to left arm and jaw, diapheretic, pale, and cap refill 4 seconds.  Nurse ordered 12 lead EKG and drew Labs, began to administer morphine sulfate 2mg IV, Oxygen 4L nasal cannula, nitroglycerin 0.4mg sub-lingual, and aspirin 325mg PO. Patient was re-administered nitroglycerin 5 minutes later and 10 minutes later. As a result of these actions the patient presented with HR 120, BP 90/60, Resp 25, Sat 02 88% with 4L O2, temp 98.6, pain unrelieved at 8/10, shortness of breath, ST elevation on EKG monitor, now prepare for cath lab.