Update 2/6/16

This week I focused most of my attention towards the methods section of my paper. In addition I created a map of my study site. Below is a quick excerpt about the study site of my research.

Santa Rosa Island (SRI) is located 42 km offshore of Santa Barbara, CA within the Channel Islands National Park and is the second largest Channel Island (214 km2). The population of Pinus insularis is located along the island’s North coast approximately 5 km Southeast of the pier and 1 km Northwest of Southeast Anchorage. The population is located on steep, loamy marine terraces. The climate on SRI is Mediterranean with most rainfall occurring between November and April, and a dry season that extends generally from May-October. The island is frequented by consistent winds that blow year round from the northwest.

About midway up TP trail relaxing in the shade of the P. torreyana
About 1/2 way  up the infamous Torrey pine trail