Update for Week 2

Hi Everyone,

Michelle and I have been watching for submissions of your CI Keys website for class. Since we have not received any urls, we went back and checked our directions. We realized a step was missing. Please follow the below directions.

  1. Go to cikeys.com to and click Get Started. You will be prompted to login with your CI credentials.
  2. Create your domain name. It will look like this, xxxx.cikeys.com. This name should be professional and appropriate for the academic setting. It does not have to be your name, but can be.
  3. Follow directions from this point forward on the video tutorials from the support site. The videos will walk you through installing word press and posting your first entry. We look forward to seeing the themes you choose and learning a bit more about you from your first post.

Remember we are available today, Tuesday September 1st from 3:00-3:45 for anyone needing help. If you are not on campus, but would like to connect you may call, 805-437-2792.

Warmly, Jill and Michelle