
Who gets it?

Patients with iron deficiency anemia associated with chronic renal failure. Also for iron deficient patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis who are concurrently receiving erythropoietin.

Pharmacologic classification?

Iron Supplements


Absorbed at a constant rate by the reticuloendothelial system following IV. 60% absorption after 3 days, 90% over 1-3 weeks, and the rest absorbed over months following IM injection. Sucrose eliminated in urine, and the iron is mostly stored and used on demand. Half-life is 6 hr.

How often is it taken?

As needed, varies from patient to patient

Where is it taken?

In a healthcare facility, since it is mostly given IV

Why is it taken?

Resolution of iron deficiency anemia associated with chronic renal failure.

How is it given?

IV, dose dependent on specific patients’ needs. Patients should not take with oral iron supplements. BP should be monitored as well as signs of anaphylaxis.