Videos for Kids

CHLA has a lot of educational material for parents who are taking their children home and need to know how to take care of them. For instance, I found this page on G tube care for children:

The information listed above is certainly very helpful for parents who want to have resource in order to make sure their kids are well cared for and that nothing goes wrong. But we’ve talked a lot in various classes about different learning styles, and the importance of presenting information in a manner that will be understood. So what about videos? Sometimes just reading the words doesn’t bring it home enough. So I found some good videos for parents to watch.

What about the kids, though? If I was a little kid and I was coming home from a scary hospital experience with a tube into my stomach, I would be very nervous and upset. I think maybe learning more about what’s going on inside, and the reason why the tube is helping me to get better would help me to feel more comfortable.

I had no luck finding a fun, simple video that just explains what a G tube is, why it’s there, and what it’s doing, as well as why the stomach needs it. I found a lot of dry videos with a pediatrician explaining G tube care, but I think there’s a need for Sesame Street style health care videos for kids that are going through health problems.

At least, that’s what I think I would want.