Vietnam View

CAM00058CAM00059   CAM00060CAM00055 Over the course of a few days I have been analyzing the letters written to the Senator Harold T. Bizz Johnson (Bizz johnson) by his constituents in regards to the Vietnam War.  The overall sentiment towards the war had turned negative as the number of soldiers  in the world began turning up as POWMIA, and KIA began to rise and the U.S.A began Drafting young men. At its worst War Statistics show that 25% (648,500) Of total forces in country were draftees. Draftees accounted for 30.4% (17,725) of combat deaths in Vietnam. As young Men were sent off to die the countries perspective toward the war changed as well and in doing so Political Cartoons which was a type of propaganda also shifted to a more negative view of the war like comics and political Cartoons the ones listed above.