Vietnam War

20150828_112841-1The Vietnam War swayed voters left and right, some were pro war while others were vehemently anti war. Voters in 1966 were beginning to question the intentions of the war or if it was the best option. However, many voters were torn, they wanted the war to end but they wanted to win the war as well.

In this letter this citizen is concerned with the efforts of the United States government as most were during this period. People began to burn their draft cards, people started to riot in protest of the war, it no longer mattered if we won the war they just wanted to end it.

The Vietnam War paved the way for many anti war efforts, the war set an example for the rest of the wars to come. The Iraq war has then been compared to the Vietnam war because of the length of time that the war has lasted and because of the fuzzy details of what we are fighting for.