Violence in Video Games

Video games can be violent and with the graphics that keep coming out are very real looking. I’m not the biggest fan of video games and the most violent they get is the occasional turtle shell but I do think kids should have some restrictions on what games they play and for how long. I agree with the author Karen Sternheimer on the subject of video games making more violence in the media for children to see. But the facts are the facts and there is a lot of information in this chapter about how much the murder rates have gone down in all categories but by 71 percent among teens and between the year 2000 to 2010 the juvenile arrests have dropped 21 percent. I think it is ridiculous that politicians get so worked up and make crazy rules when these kids have parents that should be regulating these video games. The violence in the media to me is through television and how the violence is portrayed. Sternheimer talks to an 18 year old a they say “violence on T.V. is made to look heroic” and I agree because you can take any crime on T.V. and the good guys all ways have a gun and always get the first shot.  Another quick point the media should be controlled by the people to keep the police, the politicians, and the corporations in check so they can work more for us instead of only going by what they say.