
I really enjoyed the articles this week specifically I enjoyed “The Best way to Compliment Little Girls.” I honestly never really thought about how giving someone a compliment can affected them so negatively. I find myself constantly complimenting women on physical aspects of themselves instead of complimenting who they are as a person . For example when the women all got together for lunch and they were complimenting each others hair cuts and hand bags, it just shows how much society tells us that really matters for women are superficial things. Overall I think that this article did a great job in giving alternative ways to pay compliments that make it more about who these girls are as people rather than who they are for their looks.  The following is a quote that really caught my attention from the article “On the other hand, your outfit is fabulous because it reflects your creativity, and your lashes are gorgeous because they are a part of you, and your long legs can take you to the top of a mountain or the front of a stage, if that’s where you want to go. You look great, and you are great. You are beautiful because of who you are, not who you are because you are beautiful.” This made me think of my own mother and how she would have complemented me. My mother was very big on minimizing the importance of looks, so while reading this article I felt like I was reading the words of my mother.