We Are All Connected

Over and over we hear this concept of a circle of life, whether it be the food chain, the water cycle, or even theories such as reincarnation. We learn that no matter what and no matter how, we are all connected to each other and other things. The Santa Rosa writing retreat definitely proved that entirely. Experiencing this beautiful island opened my mind to may new research opportunities as well as new perspectives. This island carried many different artifacts, views, resources and animals. Immediately one might assume that only specific people with specific majors will benefit from this island. That is exactly what I thought! In retrospect I did believe that you could only do research within certain majors. I was wrong. There is a variety of many different things and places out in the world, there is always room for more answers and more knowledge.

Believing what I did, one must know that I was entirely surprised to know that our different pods would each be looking at this island not only in a resourceful, and biological way, but through the eyes and mind of an artist. In no way did I believe that the resources that we use in our everyday lives and the conservation of those resources really connect with art. In many ways they are two completely different topics. Little did I know that, they both connect in many significant ways.

Experimenting in Caus’s group, was a process. I learned about the water conservation used on the Island. They are limited to so many gallons of water. They’re conducting the process of growing a plant that collects the moisture from the fog and uses it to water itself. This will help conserve water on the island. It is all within its own balance. I was constantly reminded about this balance between  these resources and the world around it.

In Matt’s group I learned that with imagination and an open soul, you can find art in anything. The beauty on the island was not limited. The beauty of the island expanded on to even the smallest grain of sand on the ocean. As an artist, clearing your mind is something that is not always easy, but, the moment you do, you are limitless. The wonderful thing about the art of the island is that there is history behind it. You imagine the history on each bone and on each ridged edge on a rock, then, you are able to give off a feeling in the art, an emotional tie. The great thing about art is that it is limitless. There are so many different forms of art and so many different ways to interpret it.

Together what I learned in Caus’s group interconnects with what I learned in Matt’s group. Everything came down to a balance in life. Cause spoke about how, there is a chain, one thing happens because of another and another happens because of something else. It is a perfect balance in the ecosystem, the habitat, and in general the life. One small change in this cycle and the balance becomes undone and then it creates chaos. In life, there is a balance, and everything on that island was balanced perfectly. In Matt’s group, the balance was between the art and the mind. In order to feel a connection between you and the art, there has to be an equal balance. This is why we were told not to touch certain artifacts or to put them back in the same place for it was part of a balance on the island and it was to be untouched. The connection between these two are significant because the balance of life in the ecosystem is the balance that gives the art life. It is important to leave this balance at peace because it truly does give the island life. It is what gives the island purpose and history.