We Made It!

Class Photo

These last three years have been the most difficult and happiest time of my life. If I had the chance to go back in time, I wouldn’t do it any different. It feels like we just started this semester, but the time has flown by so quickly and this week we are all getting pinned! I remember starting this program and sitting in class wondering if I was cut out for the work and the challenges I would face. It is still crazy to think about all the hard work I’ve put in to get to this point in my life, but I have managed…somehow! BUT we are all living proof to future nursing students that getting through a nursing school is possible! We all came into this program as strangers, but now we leave as a family. As graduation is just next week, I have to say that this is bittersweet time. It will be sad to be saying goodbye to the class I’ve seen every week since this program started. However, I believe the education and experiences we’ve gained in our nursing program has prepared us to be great nurses in whatever specialty we choose. I am excited to see where all of us end up in our nursing careers. I will truly miss our class, our faculty, and our school! It has been one amazing journey and I am excited to begin my career as a RN! We have finally made it!