We made it through the flight.

And boy, are my arms tired. Not really, but everything else in my body is pretty exhausted. We arrived in New Orleans at 5:30am this morning (3:30am California time) and went to the hotel to have breakfast. Then we went to Jean Lafitte National Historic Park around 8am and walked the trail, saw a handful of alligators like it was no big deal, and continued on our way.

After the park, around noon, we went to lunch and hung out with–HARRY SHEARER. Apparently, not everyone has seen This Is Spinal Tapp, but I have, and I was pretty excited. He gave us a whole talk about his documentary that he made which discussed the whole situation during Katrina and many mistakes that were made by various groups which led to ridiculous problems. As if that wasn’t enough excitement for the day, we then went and hung out in the French Quarter for a few hours, until dinner at an amazing BBQ restaurant. Now it’s 8:00pm and the remaining few of us still alive and awake are going to see a jazz band at Rock’n’Roll Bowl. 

It’s also pouring down rain with thunder and lightning. 

It’s awesome. 

Follow our hashtag #whereberush on social media to tag along on our pirate adventures ?

This is only DAY ONE people. Day one. 

 President Rush in his Mardi Gras mask