Week 13: We Are The Change

This week we were asked to read an article and watch a video, which both were about how to have/create an effective digital citizenship, and then we were instructed to compare the two and find some similarities. I found both sources to be really helpful and insightful on what it means to be a good digital citizen and what it takes to get there. A common point that I took from these was that students need to be more informed about the input they have on the world. It is being brought up more in higher education on how to use our sources to make a difference, but both state that even younger children who are growing up with all these technological changes should be introduced to these things. All students have the ability to write papers and learn basics, we need to keep this, but also expand it with the world that is growing. Another thing that I took away from these was that we need to have conversations. Like I said, anyone can write a paper and turn it in, and it could be an amazing paper, but what happens to those thoughts when they aren’t shared with the world? We need to have conversations. These conversations do not necessarily have to be filled with the most sophisticated level of intelligence and facts, but it should be impactful with thoughts outside the box. When we share and collaborate thoughts it can only make us more versatile, this is what we need. The students of today and the future can make the difference. We are the difference. We need to be educated on how to get our thoughts out there so we can be the little bird who shows everyone that with one thought and some action, we can make the changes that we world needs.