Week 13 Work Week Instructions & Extra Credit

Hey Class: Welcome to week 13, our work week for finalizing the leadership learning module.  Please see the Week 13 instruction page: http://ls490.jaimiehoffman.com/week-13-work-week/ Screen Shot 2014-11-16 at 6.15.22 PM


Also….  want to earn 20 points extra credit?

Attend the Tunnel of Oppression and submit a reflection.  The event takes place on Wednesday and Thursday, November 19 and 20 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (with a one hour break from 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.) in the Grand Salon.

Sign up to attend the Tunnel of Oppression http://tinyurl.com/CITunnel-of-Oppression2014 . You do not have to sign up in advance but if you don’t, there are no guarantees you will get to go through the Tunnel and it will take much longer.

After attending the event, write a 2-3 page reflection. The reflection should include what you learned through the experience and how it relates to our course content. Be sure to tie in course concepts including at least two citations. Submit your reflection email jaimie.hoffman@csuci.edu by November 24.  No late reflections will be accepted.