Week 3 of 2016


Thanks for the great group editing session in Capstone yesterday. It sounds like most of you found that very useful. We’ll be doing this again.

I must apologize for not recording our in-class blog discussion yesterday. In summary, we talked about always making sure we use proper grammar and spelling, having a piece of multimedia in each post, and making sure all the rest of our webpage was complete (the about me, resume, and research overview).

As a reminder for next week, I expect:

  1. a complete website (including professional blog entries, resume, about me, and research project overview) including your weekly blog update. I will be assessing your WHOLE website next week. Recall that you have until Monday of each week to get up your weekly blog post.
  2. please fill in the following Google Sheet before the start of next class:    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TwkDp1iIC4B1GXgtjaJ2LKqSkfIxskqtP8X1zyAZPMo/edit?usp=sharing               It simply asks for the name of the WordPress theme, name of any plugins your are using, and any tips or tricks you have figured out. This will let other students who like your page be able to emulate it in part of in whole. Also recall that you are now all released from your restriction of having to use a standard WordPress Theme. It is up to you to either stick with your default (a fine option), or to try out alternative themes. I encourage you all to check out your fellow students’ blogs (their web addresses are also on that Google Sheet).
  3. bring in a complete draft of a map for your capstone sites. Barring you having a map, you can bring in the complete draft of your diagram/experimental design figure. This must be printed.

For anyone that wanted to incorporate yesterday’s comments into their first Methods draft, you may drop that revised Methods Section off to me in my office (BTW1265). As I said I will be in tons of meetings today, so please slip it under my door if I am not there. If you are indeed dropping it off today, please do so by 1pm.

This is an “easy” week in terms of things due for next Monday’s class. But please don’t let your foot off the accelerator. Keep charging on your revisions to your Intro, your Methods, have started on your results, etc.

Recall my next formal office hours are Friday 9-9:50 in the Tech Lab in Sierra. My “unofficial” office hours from noon to 2 on Mondays up at Tortillas/Pizza 3.14 seem to be going well and so I will be continuing those. Please do try to stop by any of my office hours on a given week if you can, even if it is just for a two minute update or to ask a brief question. This really helps me keep abreast of your progress (As do your blogs).

Thanks team. I really like the momentum you all have established. Keep up the good work!

-Dr. A