Week 4: Cardiovascular

StJudeMedical_CardioMEMS_monitoring_sensorThe CardioMEMS HF System is a small implantable device for patients with heart failure, hypertension, peripheral neuropathy and other additional cardiovascular disorders that eventually result in heart failure. This device was created with the purpose of better managing heart failure in patients from their homes. The CardioMEMS HF is a sensor/ monitor device that is smaller than a dime and does not require any batteries. The device is placed through the distal pulmonary artery. Once home, the patient’s heart rate and artery pressures will be monitored daily by the CardioMEMS HF; on the other side, at a health facility, a physician or nurse will review the information. If there is an abnormality noted then a change to the patient’s medical therapy will be made. Through the use of CardioMEMS HF, the researchers hope to decrease hospitalizations by not having the patients come in to the hospital until they are experiencing severe symptoms from HF. In other words, the aim is to reduce hospitalizations through early interventions.

In regards to my opinion regarding CardioMEMS HF, I think it’s a great idea in that it could possibly decrease hospitalizations through early intervention; however, I find it a bit difficult on how the healthcare workers are going to get in contact with the patient to change the medical regimen when they identify an abnormality. Furthermore, in the case when the patient does have the CardioMEMS HF is implanted I believe that the patient should use standard self-monitoring in conjunction; this includes: self-monitoring of blood pressures.

Below is the link regarding CardioMEMS HF.
