Week 5 posting

Hey guys, Im sorry I’ve been slacking a little bit on these blog posts, I am looking forward to engaging in conversation this week, and raising our group total to a 3! I’d like to start by commenting on one of the readings and see what everyone else got from it. The article called “Global Food Disparity” was shocking! The various foods, drinks, and prices payed is unreal. I noticed that in the more developed countries, there are more branded foods, as well as drinks. The photo that caught my eye the most was the one from Chad. The fact that they only spend $1.23 for a weeks worth of food is crazy to me, I just spent 18 dollars on lunch! There is a visible difference in the large amounts of food in developed countries pictured, compared to the underprivledged countries pictured. It is something everyone knows about, however having it pictured and openly displayed in front of you is hard to see. It evokes an entirely different emotion, one that people would ‘prefer not to feel’. An article like this should go viral to raise awareness. I look forward to finishing the other assigned readings for the week.