Week 6: The Merge

The long awaited tribal merging has arrived.  New alliances were formed and new twists in the game developed.  Really though nothing major happened.  Tribe had a merging feast, lady kept some extra trail mix to herself, rest of tribe caught her and flipped out.  Okay maybe more happened then I first let on.  The tone of the week was set fairly early on also.  A lot of non verbal actions were taking place throughout the entire episode.  Many stern looks were given and many closed off body postures as well.  The key plot point of the episode revolved around the battle of Jeremey versus Josh.  Each participant was attempting to persuade the rest of the tribe members to join their new proposed alliances.  These events are what led to all of the non verbal actions.  Several times during the episode Jeremey and Josh would pass by each other and exchange cold stares.  Even when sitting next to each other they had their arms folded up while turned away from each other.  Though the two never directly spoke it was obvious to all of the tribe members that there was conflict between the two combatants.

The other major occurrence happened when someone got a little to greedy with trail mix.  So what happens when you hold out with a few handfuls of trail mix while everyone around you is stuck eating a handful of rice a day?  Well apparently the answer is to shun the trail mix thief.  A destructive climate was created around Julie because of her actions.  The rest of the tribe coldly shut her out to the point that she ended up quitting the game.  Every time she walked by someone a look of disgust or a criticizing remark was flung her way.  I am not 100% sure if Julie ever figured out why the tribe was not receptive to her anymore but one look into her empty satchel would have provided her with an easy answer.  So onward to next week we march.  Will Jeremey or Josh triumph in their attempt to gain power in the newly formed huyopa tribe or will a new twist change up the dynamic of the game??? Stay tuned…..