week 7

This weeks episode was a full on display on how leadership can affect a group.  The two dueling “leaders” Josh and Jeremy squared off in a decisive week of the show.  Survivor went out of its way to really promote the showdown between the leader of both alliances.  Every plot line of the episode revolved around who would win in this battle for power.  Josh wants to vote out Baylor? John finds a hidden immunity idol? Wes can’t handle a few martinis? All of these plot lines were connected to how the weeks tribal vote would play out.  And we found out Wes can drink around what appeared to be 3 martinis.

Josh and Jeremy both made different plays for power.  Josh really seemed to be going for a coercive type of power over Baylor.  He kept reminding her that she owed him due to previous actions by Josh.  He kept pushing onto Baylor what he thought was the correct actions that needed to take place.  Josh also attempted to run a very autocratic alliance.  All of the groups decisions seemed to be based upon what he felt was correct.  I dont think any other plan was ever even mentioned until Josh started saying he felt voting Baylor out was the right move.  Jeremy on the other hand seems to have more of a delegated type of power.  His alliance has referred power over to him but he runs a very democratic style.  There was never a wavering moment amongst his alliance.  Now winning the immunity challenge clearly helped his cause, but Jeremy really seems like he is very loyal to his group.  All throughout the show he has been seen fraternizing with his fellow tribe members and they all seem to get along.  Which brings up to next week.  Now that Josh is out the obvious plan would seem to be Jeremy’s alliance slowly voting out the other group one by one.  This of course means that none of the will happen and another big curve is on the way.  See you next week!