Week 7 Check-In

Hello and happy Friday!  We have a few items to check-in with you about.

  1. The grade book is current. The work that was submitted on time for Week 6 (Challenge 3, Component 2 blog post) has been graded. Please check the grade book in CI Learn and read any feedback we may have left for you. Always contact us directly with questions about your scores.
  2. As a reminder, this week you are focusing on Challenge 3-Component 3. This involves searching two social media sites. You are not required to create new accounts, provided you have access to two sites already (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, other?). Full instructions are included in the Weekly Schedule for Week 7. You also have one VoiceThread slide to comment on for the first 9 pages of Chapter 3 in Net Smart.
  3. You will notice that we’ve embedded a Twitter search widget in the left column of our site! All Tweets that include the hashtag #UNIV349DC will appear here. If you have chosen to search Twitter and have an account (or would like to take this opportunity to create one), feel free to share resources and reflections in the form of Tweets — just include our hashtag!
  4. Please click the link below to read more about our guest speakers, Michael Berman and Raechelle Clemmons! Click the “Submit my question” button and complete the form by next Thurs, 10/8. http://tiny.cc/whybesocial

Have a great weekend,
Michelle & Jill