Week 7 Hw

Since I worked today and work was probably going to be the most exposure to people that I was going to have, I decided to question co-workers; I asked a total of three co-workers.

Co-worker One: She is taking Accutane for acne. When asked what she knew about her medication she informed me that is it is for acne, she needs to stay out of the sun, she always needs to wear sunscreen, and she is on birth control because the medication can cause severe birth defects if she gets pregnant.

Co-worker two: She is taking Aspirin and blood pressure medications. When asked about what she knew about the Aspirin, she stated that she is taking it because of the stroke heart attack she had last year and the side effect she stated was bleeding.

Co-worker three: He uses the Nicoderm patch. When asked what he knew about the Nicoderm patch, he stated that he is using it to help him stop smoking, he cleans the area before putting it on or else “it won’t stick”, he changes a new patch every morning, and he applies them in a sequential order on his arms. With respect to side effects, all he stated was that he can become addicted to the patch.

In response to my co-workers’ answer I used my medication app and I just told them some basic information regarding their medications. Two of my co-workers seemed to really appreciate me educating them a little and the other didn’t seem very interested Pills