Week 8 Assignments & Guest Speaker Details


Hello, class. We hope you are engaged with the lurking process by now. Here are a few important updates for you.

Week 8 Assignments Due Tomorrow:

Guest Speakers this Thursday

  • In class this Thursday, we will be joined by Michael Berman and Raechelle Clemmons, who have volunteered their time to speak with you about their experiences as “social CIOs.” Learn more and submit a question for Michael and Raechelle here: tiny.cc/whybesocial
  • If you have a Twitter account, we encourage you to Tweet your reflections and observations during our class session Thursday. Be sure to include our hashtag #UNIV349DC. Your Tweets will appear in our Twitter widget on our course page.

Option to Attend Class Virtually this Week

  • This Thursday, we (Jill and Michelle) will both be attending a conference out of the area and, therefore, will be attending class virtually. We would like to extend the same option to all of you. To be clear, this Thursday you have the option to attend class in-person or virtually using Zoom. The instructions for virtual participation are included in weekly schedule under Week 8.

Michelle & Jill