week5 posting

hey guys, so I really sat down and started to think after reading Grinberg’s “Let toys be toys,” article, and realized all of the things being taught to different kids each day. It really is true when she states that the way you are told how and which toys you should use (depending on the parent) really does start a way of thinking. I can remeber a bunch of times i heard my  male cousins dads basically yell at them for picking up a doll at such a young age and not knowing why it was wrong, but just that it was worng for them to have it in their posession. it was also interesting to read that 78, almost 80% of what people consider to be what makes boys boys and girls girls is in the close to zero range. There really is only a difference in mindset (other than biology) which is seperating boys and girls. Anyways, i sat down and started to ponder all this on a personal level, in temrs of what Grinberg means by letting toys be toys and having children decide which toys or attributes they want to aquire. As much as i told myself no, i too find myself fully sucked into the gender roles of society, and being completely honest (nto trying to stir the pot or anything) but i really don’t know how i would react or feel if I evr had a son who picked up a doll and tried playing with it. I want to say that part of me would let him keep playing with it for a bit before my inner instincts kick in and i try to persuade him to use a more “boy- orientated object” , I dont know, but this article really caught my attention to the gender roles that we associate with, well, everything.