Welcome to 605Blog

This is a space for you to process what you experience in EDUC 605 — within your own mind and with others in your small group — posing questions, formulating arguments and making sense of course readings and other learning activities that you experience.

Each week, I will offer prompts that you may choose to use to spark your reflections and analyses of that week’s reading material and other learning activities. You will be responsible for posting a response to those questions BEFORE reading, and again AFTER reading, as a way of helping you to make your learning visible to yourselves, within the safe space of your small group blog.

NOTE: Each small group blog page is password protected, but those safe spaces will only be as private as each of you commits to making them. If you walk away from a public computer without quitting your browser, you will have effectively published this private space to the next person who sits down at that computer. ALWAYS QUIT YOUR BROWSER AFTER POSTING TO YOUR SMALL GROUP BLOG.

I will use the rubrics we create in class to assess and evaluate: (1) the quality of your individual participation in this reflective blog space, and (2) the overall quality of your group’s conversation via this small-group blog.


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