Wellness Cover Letter

February 16th, 2016

DaoCloud Headquarters
387 Technology Drive
College Park, MD 20740


I would like to apply for a summer position as a Wellness Ambassador with your company’s San Diego branch. I discovered this position through an internet search with internships.com.

I am currently studying at California State University: Channel Islands in Camarillo, California, though my permanent residence is Carlsbad. I am working toward a degree in Health Science with an emphasis in Gerontology. I feel that the company holistic perspectives on health and wellness correspond well with my area of study and that an internship with your company would allow me to explore facets of my discipline that can not be learned in a classroom environment.

Once I receive my degree I plan to work with retirement homes and elder communities in order to benefit the quality of life of those in their later years. I believe that having exposure to a variety of health outlooks is one of the greatest ways that I will be able to assist the elderly. Obtaining a wide variety of viewpoints on how to approach health and wellness will not only benefit me professionally, but also benefit those who I will work with in the future.

I am currently a member of the Student Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) at Channel Islands, which allows students from a variety of disciplines to conduct research and learn as part of a living-learning community which nurtures teamwork and open communication. I have also participated in a variety of charity events with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, promoting a sense of community and allowing for those afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis as well as their friends and families to have an open forum to access information about their condition and how to stay healthy in spite of it. Both of these experiences have introduced me to methods of effective communication and have given me experience in the health discipline.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to be part of your company. I have attached my resume for review. Thank you again for your consideration.


Jaimee Horn

Works Cited

Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.