We’re a Hot Mess

In Survivor the differences between groups is not one of grand cultural diversity and the race diversity has barely been mentioned there is more diversity between generations but the attribute that has gotten the most attention is the difference between gender. Since the beginning alliances have been made based off being female or male, if gender alliances were not made then there was the assumption that they existed; the known alliances has caused tension between each tribe and it proved to be detrimental when Drew was voted off due to making his assumption of the gender alliances known. With the diversity between males and females the way the tribes work together immediately molds to all the differences and if they fail to do so then the tribe falls apart which was seen within the tribe members of Hunahpu.

A difference that is difficult to overcome is the difference over generations with tribe members being almost equally distributed over the Millennials, Baby Boomers, and Traditionalists. With many of the members being distributed between the Millennials and the Traditionalists it has shown to be difficult to try to work with the few Baby Boomers that are only trying to win just like everyone else. Time and time again the Hunahpu tribe has had issues with Keith who is older than most of the other tribe members and with so many young people they find it difficult to understand Keith and his thought process being so unlike their own.  It is because of this that Keith has been brought up among his tribe to be voted off mainly due to the lack of similarities. An ideal group has people that are like minded but with different strengths and weaknesses so that one blow will not cause them to come falling down but with that comes the issue of a group being better off with similar ages or vastly different ages in order to get wisdom and experience from the elders that the younger people do not have available yet. Is  the age difference a huge deciding factor or a minuscule fact that can be forgotten?