We’re a hot mess

Coyopa- since they voted the strongest guy off the team they thought this would help them with being more positive
Dale thinks he needs to step up more in the group

Hunahpu -Nataly found the flint which amazed the group.
Drew thinks hes a leader when its total opposite with the tribe, they find him to be unmotivated and lazy at times which i agree.

Julie was asked about john being voted off , her response was that she created a shell and wanted to be blind to her bf johns attitude

With the challenge they are playing for campfire food or comfort supplies. it is Jon vs Jacqueline-bf vs gf.
Jacqueline started very strong but Jon caught up, They eventually tied up quickly but Jon/ hunahpu won but Jon and jacqueline embraced and showed no hard feelings which shows a strong connection especially for johns comment towards his gf and how she can handle it.
Jacqueline as well as Drew went to exile island in which Drew actually volunteered which was different because usually no one wants togo to the island.

Hunahpu chose comfort which was long term compared to the food while at the same team Coyopa really needs to pick it up as well as figure out other tactics to become stronger and better as a team.
Jon is somewhat worried about his gf because he is hoping drew will help out at the island and not act like how he does at their camp.
Drew thinks he’s a ladies man but he is not out looking for love.

Drew wants to throw the next immunity challenge because he believes there are snakes in his tribe.

Keith found out Jeremy has an idol and he told everyone.
Jeremy thought they had each others backs but now he thinks Keith is a rat and wants him gone. Soon Keith found an idol in which he’s not going to tell anyone so they think Jeremy has it.
In coyopa, Alec is annoyed with Baylor and is going to call her out on everything she does.
It is time for the immunity challenge while the others come back from the island.
Against loved ones they used a lot of agility such as diving and running up a ramp to dive and obtain rings they will use for a ring toss.
Hunahpu won which has put Coyopa in a pickle. All in disagreement for to vote off it is basically male vs. female , the women decide to vote out a negative aspect towards their group which was drew and the votes were in their favor.
Hopefully this will make them stronger.